Friday, May 07, 2004

$1,168,380 in United States currency v. Crawford County, Arkansas

Forfeiture is out of control. Here's another illustration of how this legalized conflict of interest encourages cops to breach the citizenry's civil rights by employing racial profiling and conducting fishing expeditions based on the flimsiest of probable cause.

Narcotics investigator Jeff Smith was running a little speed trap when he noticed an altered fender well on a 1996 Chevrolet Tahoe without license plates. [I assume that means without permanent plates.] The above mentioned cash was found in a compartment behind the wheel well after a drug dog indicated drugs were located there.

The dog was wrong -- no drugs were found in the car, however the money was seized based on the fact that three air refreshers were found in the compartment and these $1.79 items are "known to be used by drug couriers." Not to mention half of America of course. No charges were filed against the driver Mr. Ramos but the money is guilty until it proves itself innocent and I guess it had a lousy lawyer because the funds have already been disbursed to the local law enforcement who seized it.

We might also mention the feds were up to their elbows in this stop by the miraculously eagled-eyed Trooper Smith. According to DEA agent William J. Bryant:

"DEA assists a lot of local law enforcement agencies in on-going investigations. This money recovered was part of a large drug organization. It is good to see this money put to good use."

It will be used for rebuilding the prosecutor's office, purchasing land for a new police building along with architect's services and the purchase of new vehicles for local prohibition agents.

The premise that this cop could have noticed an altered wheel well on a moving car is laughable. He clearly acted on a DEA tip and whether the money came from an illegal operation is besides the point. The driver was doing nothing wrong and there was no probable cause for the stop. What happened here amounts to a modern day version of highway robbery.


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