Saturday, April 24, 2004

Left-Liberal Too

Thanks to Talk Left for this link. I love these things and it's hard to resist the World's Smallest Political Quiz. We're both left-liberals, a minority at 19.01% of the over two million who have taken it. Libertarians held the majority but the site also offered Libertarian literature. Read into that what you will.

Nonetheless it was my kind of quiz, fast, fun and with results displayed on a cool chart.

And while I'm thinking of it, I also took this "Which New York Times columnist am I" quiz that Talk Left posted a while ago. Those of you who know me will appreciate the humor in the description.

You are Thomas L. Friedman! You're the foreign
affairs expert. You're liberal on most issues,
except you're a leading voice in the pro-war
movement. You're probably the most popular
columnist at the Times, but probably because
you play both sides of the Iraq issue and
relish your devotion to what you call
"fanatical moderatism." You sure can
write, but you could work on your sense of

Which New York Times Op-Ed Columnist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

How funny is it that I tested out as a pro-war fanatical moderate?


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