Friday, April 23, 2004
Ashcroft's Folly

Well I suppose it was inevitable. Hot on the heels of yesterday's victory in the US District Court (see post directly below), the Justice Department is challenging the 9th Circuit US Court of Appeals decision that laid the groundwork for Judge Fogel's injunction to the US Supreme Court.

The State of California, Alameda and Butte counties, and the City of Oakland, as well as the California Medical Association and the California Nurses Association, all filed briefs supporting the injunction.

Our government contends there should be no medical exceptions to the federal anti-marijuana laws.

What a crock. Is there anyone outside of those who depend on the Prohibition for their living that believes we should be spending our tax dollars on prosecuting and imprisoning people like these?

Angel Raich has used cannabis for six years in her fight with an inoperable brain tumor, wasting syndrome, a seizure disorder and many other serious medical conditions. According to her doctor, Frank Lucido M.D., she is unable to use other medications and would risk death without cannabis.

In August 2002, federal agents raided the Oroville home of Diane Monson, who uses marijuana to relieve severe chronic back pain and muscle spasms. After a dramatic standoff with local law enforcement who attempted to stop the action, the federal agents seized and destroyed her six cannabis plants.

We're talking tens of thousands of dollars of your money spent before this case reaches its conclusion. Here's hoping the Supremes see the idiocy of continuing the Justice Department's vendetta against sick people and establishes a precedent against it once and for all by upholding the 9th Circuit decision.


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