Medical marijuana is the topic tomorrow night on CN8's Lynn Doyle show. I don't know if it airs on cable, but you can watch it on line here.
The show airs from 9:00 to 10:00 pm, with a rebroadcast at midnight. Appearing for our side will be two of Media Awareness Project's best, Jim Miller and Philippe Lucas.
On the prohibition side will be Terrence Farley, NJ assistant prosecutor and Director of the Ocean Co. Narcotics Strike Force, along with his side kick, attorney David Evans, Counsel For the Legal Foundation Against Illegal Drugs and Executive Director of the Drug-free Schools Coalition.
I saw Farley on the last program CN8 did on legalization. He was predictably tiresome and disinformative. That was also the program Ed Forchion was dis-invited to. The show didn't impress me much, although Keith Stroup did well when they allowed him to speak, which wasn't often enough. I hope Ms. Doyle manages to keep a little more objectivity on tomorrow's program.
The show airs live and they take phone calls and emails during the program. Good luck getting one on air, they use about a half dozen of them. They do respond to every one of your emails though.
It's clearly an auto-response but someone actually reads it before they hit auto-reply and a blitz of positive email for our side will make an impression on Ms. Boyle and may convince her to give our guys a better share of the air time. Not to mention a large volume of mail could convince the station manager to schedule more programming on the subject.
In any event, it should be a very interesting show. Tune in if you can.
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