Monday, March 29, 2004

Drug War Rant

When the Music's Over, Turn Out the Lights

There's a couple of odd pieces I don't want to let pass without posting. This first one has been making the rounds. Jules Siegel sent it to me first, but once again, Drug War Rant has already posted a most amusing take on it, including the opening graphic that we just snitched from him.

It's actually a disturbing story about yet another law enforcement raid on an innocent household in our government's zeal to imprison cannabis consumers instead of killers and child molesters.

This household was under suspicion because as family of seven, they used more electricity than their neighbors and they didn't take their trash out until the morning of the pickup. The commando raid was at least announced though. They called the Man of the House, who reached his wife, who was doing volunteer work at the school, so she could go and let in the drug agents, so they wouldn't have to break down the door.

Imagine receiving that call. "Oh honey, could you run home and let in the DEA agents....."

The search turned up -- zippo, nada, absolutely no contraband. The cops don't think they should have to apologize though, because they had an unsubstantiated tip from an informant and a drug dog they walked around the periphery of the property indicated the presence of drugs. They believe this justifies terrorizing this family in front of their neighbors.

And speaking of making light of grievous errors, this Blah3 video comes via Atrios. As he points out, "what's so funny? (remember...the people laughing here are the beltway media)."

While were at Blah3, we also found a delicious little news item. However, you won't relish this link unless you also think that Karl Rove is the root of all political evil.


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