
This just in from my sister. Yet another high school raid in North Carolina. This one netted 49 arrests including the school's star athlete, JamesOn Curry, who was charged with two counts each of possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana; two counts of sale and delivery of marijuana; and two counts of possession and selling and delivering a controlled substance on school grounds.
This case is an excellent example of how horribly counter-productive these raids are. So the kid had pot, he's a kid - that's what they do. He also had a promising future. Now he faces eight years in jail and his prospects for success in his adult life are ruined. Even if he beats the charges, the stigma of the arrest will follow him forever and he will be denied financial aid for higher education at the very least.
Annie advises that the police, with support of educators, raided most all high schools in Alamance county. She's looking for links on the backstory and we hope to be updating this tonight.
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