Sunday, January 04, 2004


It's days like these that make me glad I live alone. I've been trying to talk myself out of it for the last 36 hours but I can longer deny that my flu shot has apparently failed to protect me and I really am sick. I hate being sick.

I'm bad at it. I'm in full Camille mode, lolling around in my bathrobe bewailing my miserable fate. I loathe whining, especially when I'm the one that doing the mewling and I'm glad not to inflict it on anyone else. I'm not a good patient. I'm not brave about it and I don't want to be cared for. Just give me my bottle of gingerale and let me sleep until it's over.

However there is one bright spot in my current bleak existence. My microwave died this week and I just received an email saying my 'surprise birthday gift' is a kitchen appliance that reheats food, thus saving me from a terrifying trip to the small appliance department of some big box store. Not a moment too soon as I've pretty much forgotten how to use my regular oven; not to mention the one time in five years I tried to turn it on, the burning dust set off the smoke alarm. (Clearly, I'm in no danger of being wooed for my culinary skills).

I spent the day cleaning out the inbox (which was out of control again) and I have a lot to post today but I don't know how long I'm going to last. I also briefly cruised the BPAC blogs today having been alerted to responses on one of my comments by a vigilant reader (thanks Jack), where I discovered this silly test to see if I'm a Blogoholic. I think Dan Drezner, currently filling in as guest host at Andrew Sullivan's dreck factory, was first to post this one and I'm not sure whether I should be concerned that we scored exactly the same on the test. From what little I've seen of his work so far, I definitely do not want to be just like him when I grow up. I guess won't lose sleep over it . I found the results to be suspect in any event.

You are a dedicated weblogger. You post frequently because you enjoy weblogging a lot, yet you still manage to have a social life. You're the best kind of weblogger. Way to go!

Which is a crock. I have no social life unless you count the 40 hours a week I spend toiling at the law firm and the 45 minutes I spend at City on the way home. Speaking of City, I want to welcome its new owner John Riley who tells me he's joined the ranks of our regular readers.

While I'm at it, let me welcome all of the new readers who have been visiting our humble home. I only have a free hit-counter so I get no statistics, and usually have no idea where the spike in my counts come from. I'm often curious however about how you found me, so if you feel so inclined, please drop me a line and introduce yourself.


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