Monday, January 26, 2004


The reopened drug war topic on the Kerry Internet Town Meeting forum turned out to be very interesting. The consensus seems to be that Kerry has an opportunity to reignite the slumbering 60s lefties if he shows some real leadership on the cutting edge issues but so far has failed to live up to the courage of the last president to bear his initials. I agree.

I found a sanitized transcript of the MSNBC Got Ribs? press conference on Tim Blair. This is from Bush's own site and does not do the video we spoke of earlier justice. For one thing the exchange was much longer and the pictures spoke thousands of untranscribed words.

TChris hosting at TalkLeft posted an update on the government's response to contempt charges in the Don Nord case we've been following. The feds of course asked that the charges be dismissed on the grounds they were acting under the protection of federal law.

He notes that defense attorney Kristopher Hammond makes a good point on the feds conduct in this matter.

In a society based on the rule of law, the proper response to a court order the government considers to be flawed is to appeal the order, not to disobey it.

It certainly makes sense to me that those who swear to uphold the law and should lead by example and show more respect for it.


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