Monday, January 05, 2004


I've posted on these free speech zones before and the big bloggers are all over this piece today but it's worth reviewing in this election year, How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech.

The police routinely allow supporters to line the presidential motorcade route and segregate the protesters far from sight and mind. The storm troopers evoke security reasons for this suppression of legal dissent, which is patently absurd, any assassin could simply pretend to be a Bush supporter. What they really want are photo ops for the press, uncluttered by that untidy freedom of speech thing. Wouldn't want to upset George with a lot of anti-Bush signs in the footage. I know he's admitted he doesn't actually read anything but I bet he sometimes looks at the pictures.

And I sure am glad they spent my hard earned tax dollars protecting our Commander in Thieves from these obvious deviants who refused to be herded into the free speech interment camps:

65-year-old retired steel worker Bill Neel was there to greet him with a sign proclaiming, "The Bush family must surely love the poor, they made so many of us."

.....three demonstrators -- two of whom were grandmothers -- were arrested for holding up small handwritten protest signs outside the designated zone.

.....a 62-year-old man holding up a sign, "War is good business. Invest your sons."

.....Christine Mains and her 5-year-old daughter .... Police arrested Mains and took her and her crying daughter away in separate squad cars.

Am I just getting old or didn't they used to kiss babies instead of arresting them during election years?


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