Monday, April 16, 2007

Power out

Well I had hoped to post something interesting tonight but we had a big ass windstorm here this morning and the power was out in my neighborhood all day. I haven't heard the wind howl like that since I left New England and its nor'easters. It was so strong it literally uprooted a huge tree in my neighbor's yard and I mean a huge fully branched and healthy tree. It fell across the entire yard and blocked her driveway. It made my last tree down look like a mere twig.

Last I heard the power is likely to be out through tomorrow, so I'm at the family homestead tonight. I don't think they've lost power here even once in the last two years, while I've been through at least a dozen outages. Another reason, I'll be happy to move to this side of town.

In any event, I'm off to bed because I'm back to work and have an early call in the morning. I'll be back as I can.


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