Monday, December 20, 2004
High rollers

The Moderate Voice has an interesting post on the smuggling of illegal aliens out of Mexico. It appears they're making good use of the border casinos in their trade. What struck me though was the parallels between the trafficking of humans and the trafficking of drugs. Here's the money quote.

" along the county's urban border areas has increasingly tightened. In the past 10 years, the federal government has added fences, surveillance equipment and more than 1,000 Border Patrol agents."

"...This enforcement has turned human trafficking into a growth industry. Where many undocumented immigrants once crossed into the San Diego area on foot alone or with inexpensive guides, illegal border crossers are now charged thousands of dollars to be brought into the country, often through remote areas where the border remains porous."

The obvious lesson being strict prohibition promotes crime, it doesn't prevent it.

Meanwhile, thanks to Joe Gandelman for pointing out there's a Traffic Jam at Outside the Beltway.


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