Saturday, August 07, 2004

Pangasinan Provincial Jail thwarts drug delivery

It took me a minute to realize this was not a prison story from the US but rather from the Philippines. They caught a guy trying to smuggle some marijuana into the prison in his shoes and underwear. He was acting nervous so the authorities decided to strip search him. When asked if there were witnesses, the acting jail warden told the press there were five guards, two did the body search while the other watched and also some detainees witnessed it so if, "they would be asked to testify, they will testify." (There's a silent "or else" there I believe).

Meanwhile under the last warden, there was a thriving meth business going on within the walls, "wherein drug users from the outside posed as visitors to buy shabu from the detained drug personalities." The new warden has some ideas on how to prevent this sort of thing in the future.

"To prevent the recurrence of that incident, all visitors, if female, she should be body searched inside the office where there is female jail employee who would do it, and if male, it would be the jail guards," he said.

Paglingayen also said that when he talked with inmates with drug cases, they vowed not to engage anymore in the illegal drug activities and would cooperate with his administration.

Did he expect anyone to vow to continue illegal activities. With marijuana cultivation a capital crime on the islands, one has to wonder what the subtext on that remark means...


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