Sunday, September 21, 2003


I spent two hours on the highways outside of the Happy Valley today. There was a lot of bad driving going on out there. There's no longer any concept of why the left lane exists in southern New England. Call me crazy, but you would think the car going 55mph would notice that there was 20 cars stacked up behind him and maybe pull into the other two slow lanes. But no. This is why road rage happens.

This is not to mention the gigantic brand new sparkling white Mac truck that almost ran me off the road. I'm half-way through passing on the left and the guy starts drifting into my lane right at the one place on the highway where there is two inches of median between the shoulder and the center guardrail. Of course I couldn't find the horn. I drive the car so infrequently, it took me two tries to get on the right side of the gas pump before I left town - I took the inch and an half and gunned it through the shoulder. He saw me in time. I wonder what kind of adrenalin rush he got from that?


The coverage on the Freedom Rally was mixed. The Globe got it right, the Herald. as one might have predicted for a rag that would have to step up to get to the credibility level of the National Enquirer, got it wrong. Please check out the Media Awareness Project's alert on the press and drop a line to the editors.


Thanks to Sabbah on the GNN forums for this gem from my favorite patriot, Thomas Jefferson:

"The end of democracy, and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of the lending institutions and moneyed incorporations."


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