Sad anniversary
I couldn't bring myself to talk about it yesterday, but it was the second anniversary of the day my Dad unexpectedly and abruptly left us. I've learned to live with the loss to some extent, but I don't think I'll ever get over it. Still aches every single day but for some reason that actual anniversary is still the worst day of all. RIP Dad.

[Photos are better if you click on them to embiggen.]
Did make a comment on this blog but I noticed it didn't go through. My deepest sympathy for you on the anniversary of your Dads passing. I know only to well, the pain you are feeling. I believe they are still with us...brings to mind the song "Angels Among us". Our hope is that we will be together again some day with our loved ones. Will catch up on my reading your blogs tomorrow. Don't let real life problems keep you from blogging.............take time for yourself.
It's a process Anon. The anniversary is still hard but I mostly am learning to live with it.
It's one long slow process, I know, two steps forward and ten back. And it comes without warning now doesn't it. You have to live it we have no other choice. Like I said our hope is that we will see and be with them again..........somehow I have faith in this theory.
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