Monday, December 13, 2004

Good kids behaving badly

Funny, I was just thinking I shouldn't have called these kids dumb when I noticed Jackl's comment.

"A spokesman for the ski area in Steamboat Springs says the sheriff was called in because of complaints the gondola was filled with smoke and that it reeked of marijuana."

We disagree about "dumb kids"...there's nothing sacred about smoking pot in a ski gondola...if you're not with other peeps and you open the window to let smoke out. Done it many times myself...that's the whole point of going skiing.

They probably are intelligent kids, even nice kids and God knows I'm no angel here myself. For instance, I smoked hash on the Staten Island Ferry in 1970 - but discretely - out of respect for the rest of the passengers. This incident strikes me as arrogant disregard for others.

It's one thing to indulge in youthful recklessness, but it's really inconsiderate to leave a gondola full of smoke for the next group who are probably non-consumers. Think about it, there could be young children in the next load. Sorry Jack, but their careless behavior reflects on all consumers and makes a case for the prohibition, not for the cause. I call it irresponsible behavior and I think that's not so smart.


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