Saturday, October 30, 2004

Anti-Soros summit on tap

Well, I suppose it's only natural that prohibitionists would have conferences, after drug policy reformers have them too, but we call ours names like 'Out of the Shadows' and 'Reason-Compassion-Justice'. The prohibitionists call theirs 'National Anti-Drug Summit to Expose and Oppose George Soros'.

The speakers roster includes every heavy hitter on the prohibition side including the now disgraced former drug czar Andrea Barthwell. The titles of their sessions however are hilarious, straight out of the school of wishful thinking. Who would want to miss, “How school Random Drug Testing Might Have Saved My Daughter;” or my personal favorite, “The Impact of Drug Legalizers’ Messages and the Loss of Our Sons and Daughters and the 1,000 Young People Who Die EACH week."

It would be funny if they weren't so deadly serious about believing their own propaganda. I think it's clearly a sign of how far the drug policy reform has come however, when they focus so strongly on one of our greatest champions and funders, George Soros. I'm guessing they think if they get rid of the funding, they can get rid of us.


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