Monday, April 05, 2004

Time Won't Let Me

I hate when they change the clocks. I mean come on, can't they just pick one zone and stick with it? It throws me off worse than jet lag; not to mention with the two blogs and the day job, I'm pretty burned out. It's going to be an early night.

I'm listening to Air America as I post this. My favorite counter-culture hero Barry Crimmins is on "The Majority Report" with Janeane Garofalo and they're talking to Kos. I like the format and they're talking about the brouhaha Kos had with the BPAC of the blogosphere that ended with Kerry pulling Kos' link from his campaign site. I think Kerry was an idiot to alienate the Kos crowd and I would love to blog it at the DetNews as I listen but there's no way I can muster up the energy right now.

I'm really enjoying the Detroit News gig though. I was a little nervous at first; I'm not good at 'group' but my fellow bloggers have been nice and I thought it interesting in reading the bios that an admiration for Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain ran a common thread across our political spectrum. I'm looking forward to some civilized debates in the near future.

Meanwhile the weirdest thing happened in this post. When I took the graphic from google, I used a shot of those little rose in a glass tube displays, and it changed to a mother's day rose today. I wonder how they did that and whether I shoud be worried about it?

Finally for those of you who have been following the Kicking Butts thread, today is five weeks without a cigarette. No way could I give up the wellbutrin and the tobacco in a mint yet, and I still have way bad moments when I really want a smoke, but I think I can say I've won.


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