Marijuana Policy Project is fighting against the war on some drugs on every front these days. They formed The Committee to Regulate and Control Marijuana, and filed an initiative petition to legalize possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana with the secretary of state's office in Nevada this week.
You may remember their 2002 initiative to legalize up to three ounces of cannabis was defeated soundly after a last minute PR blitz by drug czar John Walters himself, who toured statewide in opposition to the bill. I believe that little trip is currently the subject of litigation on a complaint that Walters violated the law by using the taxpayers money to campaign against a citizen's initiative.
The proponents meanwhile have put forward a less shocking and thoroughly reasonable plan this time around.
The proposal would allow private use by adults of up to 1 ounce of marijuana, and increase penalties for providing marijuana to minors or for causing a fatal accident while driving under the influence of the substance.
Sale of marijuana would be taxed, and revenue would be earmarked for drug and alcohol treatment and education programs.
Needless to say, the opposition forces are hoping to defeat it again.
[Sandy] Heverly said her coalition, Nevadans Against Legalizing Marijuana, will meet Feb. 26 to come up with a strategy to defeat the new initiative. She said she is hopeful John Walters, the federal drug czar, will again visit the state in opposition to the initiative.
Of course, we're hoping they won't. As I recall our beloved czar put forward a lot of misinformation that was revealed as being totally false after the ballot. I hope that the good voters of Nevada will remember that press and won't let themselves be fooled again.
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